


25 Years of Sustainabile Green Energy Solutions

Korra Energi has been committed to environmental sustainability and providing green energy solutions for over 25 years. Our specialization lies in energy efficiency and environmentally-friendly systems, specifically in power generation. Our solutions include Cogeneration and Tri- generation, which increase overall efficiency, Waste Heat Recovery, which utilizes waste heat to generate useful energy, Waste to Energy systems that utilize waste to create electricity or thermal energy, Flare gas recovery for power generation, LPG and condensate recovery, and District cooling plants using Absorption chiller, among others among others.

Our sustainable green energy solutions contribute to increased energy efficiency and reduced carbon emissions. We are proud to have reduced approximately 250,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually through our sustainable energy projects, which is equivalent to taking 156,250 cars off the road each year.

Sustainabile Green Energy Guide

At the core or Korra Energi, is sustainability and giving back. And so, with the occasion of hosting COP27 in Egypt in November 2022, we found it useful to create our own “Sustainable Green Energy Guide”. A guide that serves as a reference for key sustainable energy issues, terms, solutions and actions. Furthermore, we wanted to shed light on the sustainable practices everyone can adopt in their daily lives and their impact on the future of our planet. Our guide was shared across all of our communication channels to ensure widespread distribution and common knowledge,

Construction Site
Sustainability Practices

Everything we do, we do with sustainability in mind.
We strive to make a positive impact in every step of the projects we are involved in, and that includes construction sites.
Here are some of the ways we prioritize the environment:

Embracing Efficient

We opt for high-efficiency technology when selecting equipment and components to reduce power consumption and our carbon footprint.

Sustainable Green
/LEED Building

We've implemented sustainable practices in our construction projects, allowing our clients to attain certifications like LEED Silver and EDGE Advanced. Implemented eco-friendly solutions include reducing energy and water usage, adopting energy-efficient systems, and harnessing the power of solar energy.

Streamlined Construction

Our construction work is executed through Revit - BIM 4D modeling for increased productivity, efficient coordination guaranteeing zero clashes and resulting in savings in both time and cost of materials.


Promoting Sustainable Products

We’ve done extensive research to best select our partners in industrial trading.


We partner with companies that support sustainable practices and align with our ethics. Our common goal is to create a greener future without compromising on our lifestyle. Here are some of the suppliers we work with:
HVAC Solution by RC from Mitsubishi Electric (MEHITS) . Their energy-efficient technology saves up to 30% of refrigerant charge versus traditional tube and fin coils.


We have successfully reduced more than 0.5GW from the national grid electricity through the installation of our innovative Absorption Chillers.


Furthermore, we stay up to date through our specialized department that focuses on researching new sustainable products that we can incorporate in our business. Among these products are motion sensors and others that align with our commitment to sustainability.

Providing University Students With A Real-World Perspective

We believe that visiting real working environments and experiencing relevant theoretical concepts firsthand is a crucial part of university education. To support our belief, we offer site visits and free lectures to university students whenever possible. Our goal is to offer educational tips and share our experiences to help students develop leadership qualities and management skills, as well as gain insight into the industry's workings.

Environmental Awards Finalists

We are glad to say that our environmental efforts have not gone unnoticed.
We have received recognition for projects in Egypt.